
Showing posts from January, 2018

My thoughts on DACA

DACA is a tricky mess. DACA stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which was a temporary program that protects from deportation children brought to the United States illegally. One of DACA's benefits includes providing its recipients with a social security. With an SSN, a recipient was able to work legally and be able to get a driver's license. That is the only great thing about DACA. The sad thing about DACA is that it is not a federal law, it is an executive order. This means that it could be revoked anytime. And it was revoked by Agent Orange(Donald Trump). Anyway,  another thing is that DACA sucked from the beginning. Obama failed to put enough pressure on Congress to pass a federal law that actually granted undocumented young immigrants a path to citizenship, so he did only what he could do as a president: pass an executive order (kind of justifiable). Now that DACA is being transformed into a piece legislature, and there is a debate on what will be passed

Southern Border of Mexico

Refugees and asylum seekers coming from Latin American are being treated inhumanely in immigration checkpoints located on the border of Mexico and Guatemala. Many of them have crossed other international borders and experienced some type of harassment. In the case of Southern Mexican border, the treatment is cruel and violates basic human rights. Local Mexican authorities extortion families; they take away economic resources or else they are not allowed to pass. In many cases, drug cartels force them to transport drugs to specific destinations. Female immigrants are asked sexual favors to pass without their children being harmed. These are just some of the examples that many immigrants who are fleeing danger have to go through. A reason for such disorder is that there is no functioning rule of law in Mexico and Guatemala. Corruption is everywhere and vulnerable, humble people are being affected by it. It will be difficult for immigrant abuse to change and it will require the involvemen

Climate Change and Refugees

The world is getting hotter, the last-standing forests are transforming into deserts and land near the ocean be lost at sea. What will occur to the people living in the areas? Will they seek help from countries less affected by climate change? Yes, people affected by climate change will immigrate to find the stable environment to maintain survival. Yet, there is a problem because climate change is not criteria under international law to be given asylum or refugee status. The qualifications required for refugee status is persecution on the basis of religion, race, political affiliation, etc. A solution can be creating a legal mechanism that protects victims of climate change; consequently, all countries less affected by climate change may help the most vulnerable people. Climate change is a big threat to the world and will create chaos; thus, leading to mass migration. It is essential to have an international legal framework that establishes order and protects people affected by climate